Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sick Myspace fuckers.

Upon hearing today about that dude down in Exeter picking up 13-16 year old girls off myspace and smoking weed and doing god knows what else, I'm rethinking even having a myspace page. Out of morbid curiosity, I checked this dude's page out. He's a pretty sick fuck. 48 years old and all about the 13-17 year olds who, somehow in their short lives, have morphed into soulless dirty little pig whores.

I feel old saying it, but things were not like this "back in the day." I've really never seen anything like it. I can't believe anyone (let alone a 13 year old little girl) could put themselves out there like this on display as a total waste of human tissue, displaying themselves like so many pieces of meat in a butchers shop. (Some will undoubtably end up like the aforementioned meat, chewed up and swallowed by some sick fuck.)

Now, I suppose it would be somewhat hypocritical to condemn these folks, after all I have a myspace page obviously. I do have some standards and decorum, though. I've legitmately only got people I'm actually friends with up here, they're all over 18 (all over 23 actually), and no one is all whored out. I should probably wipe the whole goddamn thing clean and just start a blogspot account or something.

What can be said? I can't disagree when my friend Dan Yorke goes on the air and casts mass dispersions upon myspace. Look around! It's like scenes straight out of Sodom. As close to the razor's edge to child pornography as you can get!

We're obviously not all here as pedophiles and perverts. Myspace is a great way to network as a musician, comedian, etc. Or to check out new music. It's also a great way to catch up with old friends. But much like real life, there's a seedy white underbelly to it all. This guy's myspace page is like the Allens Ave. of myspace (Thanks David and Gordon!).

I guess this is what getting old feels like.

Originally Posted Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 7:59pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MySpace makes me feel old too! I dont like whores, night-vision or or people with sexed-out pics in their top 8! Again if someone, after being warned repeatedly, endangers themeselves on MySpace, it's just a good ol' case of Darwinism.

November 10, 2006 at 4:33 PM  

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