Monday, March 05, 2007

Stevie Nicks has soft hands.

It's been a while since I've done this. So, fuck it, let's go.

Random Stuff...

There are few things I enjoy more than the anticipation of going to a great concert. It's almost better than the concert itself. I've got the next couple of weekends lined up to see the Pogues. They're one of the greatest live bands I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. I'm going to see them in Boston on Saturday, and then a week from Saturday in New York, on the honest-to-goodness St Patrick's Day. This is awesome because I will officially have an excuse not to be peer pressured into going to Newport this year. Newport is the bain of my existance. Nothing goes right when I go there. Maybe someday I'll relate stories.

Anyway, on the 31st I'm going to see Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac play up in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. That dude is one of the best guitarists I've ever seen live. The dude is just insane, and totally underrated. The Fleetwood Mac show I saw a few years ago is within the top 5 concerts I've ever seen. It didn't hurt that I got hooked up with front row seats. Between Lindsey Buckingham's bad-ass guitar playing and Mick Fleetwood's insane drum/percussion/crazy ranting solo, (I got rained upon by his flop sweat and spit once or twice, which was pretty gross, actually) it was an amazing night. It was cool that I got to go with my mom too, she had a most excellent time. My friend Melanie was up in the lawn seating and got really jealous of me when she say me shake hands with Stevie Nicks on the big screen. Stevie Nicks has the softest hands of anyone I've ever met.

At the end of April I am going to see Cheap Trick at Lincoln Park. How it pains me to write the "Lincoln Park" part of that. It's a far cry from the 7 shows in two weeks me and Mr. Michael Fortes saw in 1998. On that tour, they did 3 night stands in major cities. On each night, the would play one of their first 3 albums in sequence and close out with a bunch of great tunes. We caught the Boston and New York shows, along with a stopover show at Lupo's in Providence which only cost $9.94! I got to meet everyone in the band, had Rick Neilsen and Tom Peterssen sign my laminate, and Robin Zander and Bun E Carlos sign a lyric sheet for "Daddy Should Have Stayed In High School" that I pulled off the stage. It now hangs proudly in my music room/office. I wish Cheap Trick would ditch the Casino/County Fair circuit and amp it back up in the clubs. Some great rock and roll went down in the late 90s. Bring it back.

I have a return engagement to San Fran-sicko also coming up in April to help my friend Liz celebrate the big 3-0. It's turned into a tradition at this point and it's been so much fun in years past that I really look forward to going back. It also gives me an excuse to go treasure hunting at Aeomeba Records, perhaps the greatest record store in the world. Be happy you aren't making this trip with me, as only Mr. Fortes himself could tolorate the 4 hours I'll probably be pouring over the contents of that place. This year should be particularly fun as the problems I had last year (work and "other") have dissapated for the most part and I'm in a pretty good place in my head at this point (all things considered). I'll probably get a chance to take in an A's/Yankees game when I'm out there too, if the Z man can hook me up. (Since he's the team photog it should be pretty bad-ass).

The anxiety I had over the big transition at work seems to have worked itself out, and I'm actually doing something now instead of "trying to look busy" which was the case during the first days of the merger. I'm hoping to not have to take on overnights, but, it won't be the end of the world. 4pm-Midnight is bad enough for now. I should be thankful, though. Between this job and my work at WPRO I'm making twice what I did last year at this time, and there's considerably less drama happening. I've somewhat softened my stance on the first half of 2006 in the last couple of months. It certainly had high highs and miserably deep lows. More lows that highs, probably. I did learn a hell of a lot though, and there's always something to be said for that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's probably the first time I see this "glass-is-half-full" attitude coming from you. Learning is good.

March 8, 2007 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger Rick Rockhill said...

btw-I had a similar experience with Stevie's hands. I'm a bit of a groupie/roadie. Or at least I used to be. Recently posted on my fav Stevie songs. Stop by to weigh in (march 31st post)

April 8, 2007 at 10:39 PM  

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