Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Random Thoughts...

Everytime I get myself financially in good shape, I find a way to fuck it up by taking a vacation or by crashing a car.

I think I O.D'd on Wendy's this year and can probably never bring myself to eat it again.

My refrigerator is full of condiments, yet no food exists anywhere in my house.

The best TV show on right now is Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip and I'll be really pissed if they cancel it.

I can't believe it took me this long to get into "The West Wing". Same with "Entourage".

Speaking of TV, The DVR is the greatest invention of all time.

"Radio Consultant" is the worst (invention ; they're not people, they're robots.)

Another favorite thing: people who bloviate about politics for who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. I'm looking at you, Gary.

Also, people who talk to themselves are creepy. Also creepy: adults who talk in baby talk to other adults.

KISS was really badass back in the day. And Badfinger was pretty good too, especially "We're For The Dark."

Paying someone else to do your laundry is perhaps the greatest thing ever, and it makes me weep with joy that we live in a country where this is possible.

Craiglist is pretty funny from time to time.

My grandfather was right about not trusting nuns.

So was Joe Strummer. (He who fucks nuns will later join the church, afterall...)

Joan Jett was unexpectedly fantastic when I saw her live.

Working until midnight sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DVR is the greatest invention....I watch nothing live anymore, or at the time it's broadcasted. The idea of TV on your time....very nice!

And I love Studio 60.....I really hope it doesn't get cancelled!

December 11, 2006 at 10:50 AM  

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