Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rave On...

I listen to so much music, and to so many different artists, that it's rare when something reaches out and grabs me, picks me up, and throws me across the room. And it's embarassing when it's something that's been on my radar for almost my entire life, and taken me this long to actually listen to it.

Two weeks ago, I picked up Peter Gabriel's 1st 4 albums. Everyone knows Peter Gabriel, for his hits Solisbury Hill, In Your Eyes, Sledgehammer, etc. He's also known for his work in the early Genesis before Phil Collins took over as lead singer. I can credit my friend CJ and his dad for keeping Gabriel on my radar for so long, but I never took the bait until recently.

Last winter, CJ got his dad a copy of the DVD from Peter Gabriel's latest tour. I was over at the house when he decided to throw it on the mega widescreen high end HDTV. I was captivated by the simpleness of the first tune, a solo piano runthrough of "Here Comes the Flood" and the new wave-ey electronic pulse of "Darkness" from his latest CD, Up. Still, I didn't make any movements towards aquiring any of this music myself for several months.

I did pick up the DVD sometime this spring, I can't remember exactly when, but was totally blown away by the visuals and the 5.1 soundtrack. I aquired the greast hits album with the simple version of Here Comes The Flood and also Up. Then, two weeks ago, picked up the rest.

Wow. I got through the first 2 albums this afternoon before work, and was simply blown away by the range and quality of material on the first album. From the frolicking rediculousness of "Moribund the Burgermiester" to the stately "Solisbury Hill" to the just plaid wierd "Excuse Me", I was capitvated, just floored. By the time the grandiose album closing version of "Here Comes The Flood" washed over me, I needed to hear the damn thing again, so on the way to work, I listened again in the car, eschewing my usual diet of talk radio and Sirius.

I suppose there's something to be said for music that grabs you like this. It's one of the things that just makes you so happy to be alive; the discovery, the absorption, the digestion.

I don't know what the hell I would do without music, and I'm thrilled and excited I can still find new things that get me as excited as I was the first time i heard "Twist and Shout" on my parent's turntable more than 25 years ago. Now grab your things, I've come to take you home.


Blogger Robyn said...

Hey Dougie - like the new blog. You're s.o.l now - I can leave comments. ;)~

Old(er) music - have you seen this yet?

October 27, 2006 at 10:04 AM  
Blogger Doug MacGunnigle said...

Haven't heard it yet but it looks interesting.

October 31, 2006 at 1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is "Exposure" not the baddest, scariest, funkiest shit to come from a prog rocker ever? Talk about groove...

November 9, 2006 at 1:04 AM  

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