Sunday, July 08, 2007

All of a sudden...

I got really bad at updating this. It's not that I ran out of things to say, but life has been fairly exhausting lately. However, now I have an interesting job possibility coming up, and that has opened the door to hope for a brighter future (or at least one where I see daylight more than the drive home from work at 6am).

My interview went pretty well, I think I'm qualified for the job and my references are pretty top notch. Here's hoping that by the end of the summer I'm not sitting in a wearhouse in Pawtucket on a Sunday night at 11:45.

I've kind of fallen out of love with the whole talk radio thing. There's a couple of people I enjoy working with, but for the most part it's kind of a waste of time and totally not worth the measley money I make. (Which is not why I do it, anyways.) There's a lot of douchebags in that industry and there is a tendency of people "failing upwards" that is pretty frustrating to witness. That being said, the parts that I enjoy doing I really enjoy. I think once everything gets sorted out with the full time job situation, I may make some changes with the part time stuff too. I got to leave early on Saturday and I think the gain in free time and mental health was worth the loss of (laughable) financial gain. I'm doing a lot of fill in the next two weeks, after that I may have a sit down with the boss...

Live Earth was this weekend. It was a fairly uninspiring lineup of artists. The goal was more tangible than "Live 8"'s a few years ago, but the artist lineup was pretty crappy and I didn't care to be lectured by the likes of Cameron Diaz and Chris Rock about how to reuse water bottles and check my tire pressure. I guess it's good that people care about things, but I'm not really interested in hopping on the latest trend for "save this" or "save that". Al Gore doesn't bug me as much as he does some people (although I still find his wife to be a self-righteous swine for what she tried to do to music back in the 80's), but the whole thing was kind of weird and I agree with Roger Daltrey from the Who when he said that the emviornment "doesn't need a fucking rock concert". Especially one where the only decent performer was Roger Waters (who's way better in his own element, anyway).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spoke the truth my friend. It's funny your post was about interviews and radio. I just got hired at a place that has NO ties to radio... couldn't be happier. I don't think it's worth it either. Don't get me wrong, I feel honored to have met plenty of intelligent people along the way but I agree with your general view of the industry.

I hope you find a more stable schedule... I don't think I've talked to you after you've had more than 3 hours of sleep.

July 11, 2007 at 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, Doug!

July 24, 2007 at 6:40 PM  

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